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Cautionary Sign

Blind Person Likely On Road
Blind Person Likely On Road
Built Up Area
Built Up Area
Cattle Crossig
Cattle Crossig
Cross Road
Cross Road
Cycle Crossing
Cycle Crossing
Dangerous Dip
Dangerous Dip
Dangerous Ditch
Dangerous Ditch
Danger Warning
Danger Warning
Deaf People Likely On Road
Deaf People Likely On Road
Degree Loop
Degree Loop
End Of Dual Carriageway
End Of Dual Carriageway
Falling Rocks
Falling Rocks
Gap In Median
Gap In Median
Lane Closed Four Lane Carriageway
Lane Closed Four Lane Carriageway
Lane Closed Three Lane Carriageway
Lane Closed Three Lane Carriageway
Lane Closedtwo Lane Carriageway
Lane Closedtwo Lane Carriageway
Left Hairpin Bend
Left Hairpin Bend
Left Hand Curve
Left Hand Curve
Left Revers Bend
Left Revers Bend
Loose Gravel
Loose Gravel
Major Road Ahead
Major Road Ahead
Major Road Ahead
Major Road Ahead
Men At Work
Men At Work
Merging Traffic Ahead
Merging Traffic Ahead
Narrow Bridgee Ahead
Narrow Bridgee Ahead
Opening Or Swing Bridge
Opening Or Swing Bridge
Overhead Cables
Overhead Cables
Pedetrian Crossing
Pedetrian Crossing
Playground Ahead
Playground Ahead
Quaryside Or River Bank Ahead
Quaryside Or River Bank Ahead
Queues Likely Ahead
Queues Likely Ahead
Reduced Carriageway
Reduced Carriageway
Right Hairpin Bend
Right Hairpin Bend
Right Revers Bend
Right Revers Bend
Road Widens
Road Widens
Road Widens
Road Widens
Rough Road
Rough Road
Rumble Strip
Rumble Strip
Series Of Bends
Series Of Bends
Slippery Road Because Of Ic
Slippery Road Because Of Ic
Slippery Road
Slippery Road
Speed Beaker
Speed Beaker
Staggered Intersection
Staggered Intersection
Start Of Dual Carriageway
Start Of Dual Carriageway
Steep Ascent
Steep Ascent
Steep Descent
Steep Descent
Sudden Side Winds
Sudden Side Winds
T Intersection
T Intersection
Traffic Diversion On Dual Carrageway
Traffic Diversion On Dual Carrageway
Traffic Signals
Traffic Signals
Trams Crossing
Trams Crossing
Tunnel Ahead
Tunnel Ahead
Two Way Opration
Two Way Opration
Two Way Traffic On Cross Road Ahead Warning
Two Way Traffic On Cross Road Ahead Warning
Wild Animals
Wild Animals
Y Intersectio RH
Y Intersectio RH
 Y Intersectio
Y Intersectio
Y Intersectio Trs RH
Y Intersectio Trs RH

Mandatory Signs

Articulated Vehicles Prohibited
Articulated Vehicles Prohibited
Axle load 4 tonne
Axle load 4 tonne
Bullock and hand cart prohibited
Bullock and hand cart prohibited
Bullock carts Prohibited
Bullock carts Prohibited
Buses Prohibited
Buses Prohibited
Bus WayBuses only
Bus WayBuses only
Carvavan not allowed
Carvavan not allowed
Compulsory Ahead or Right Left
Compulsory Ahead or Right Left
Compulsory Ahead or turn right RH
Compulsory Ahead or turn right RH
Compulsory Ahead
Compulsory Ahead
Compulsory Cycle Traclcycles only
Compulsory Cycle Traclcycles only
Compulsory Cyclist and Pedestrian Route
Compulsory Cyclist and Pedestrian Route
Compulsory Horn
Compulsory Horn
Compulsory Keep Left
Compulsory Keep Left
Compulsory Snow Chain
Compulsory Snow Chain
Compulsory Turn Left
Compulsory Turn Left
Compulsory Turn Right
Compulsory Turn Right
Cycles Prohibited
Cycles Prohibited
Hand carts prohibited
Hand carts prohibited
Height Limit
Height Limit
Horn Prohibite
Horn Prohibite
Horse Riding Prohibited
Horse Riding Prohibited
Left Turn Prohibited
Left Turn Prohibited
Length Limit
Length Limit
Load Limit
Load Limit
Maximum Speed Limit
Maximum Speed Limit
Maximum width limit
Maximum width limit
Minimum Speed Limit
Minimum Speed Limit
No Entry
No Entry
No parking onhalf of footpath
No parking onhalf of footpath
No Parking
No Parking
No stopping No standing
No stopping No standing
One Way
One Way
Overtaking prohibited
Overtaking prohibited
Parking not Allowed on footpath
Parking not Allowed on footpath
Pass Either Side
Pass Either Side
Restriction Ends
Restriction Ends
Right Turn Prohibited
Right Turn Prohibited
Right turn U turn Prohibited
Right turn U turn Prohibited
Stop for Police Check
Stop for Police Check
Tongas Prohibited
Tongas Prohibited
Tractor Constrction Vehicles Prohibited
Tractor Constrction Vehicles Prohibited
Trucks Prohibited
Trucks Prohibited
Two wheelers prohibited
Two wheelers prohibited
U turn Prohibited
U turn Prohibited

Informatory Sign

Asian Highway Route Marker
Asian Highway Route Marker
Autorikshaw stand
Autorikshaw Stand
Bus Lane
Bus Lane
Bus Stop
Bus Stop
Camp Site
Camp Site
Chair Lift
Chair Lift
Contra Flow Bus Lane
Contra Flow Bus Lane
Contra Flow Cycle Lane
Contra Flow Cycle Lane
Country Border
Country Border
Cycle Lane
Cycle Lane
Cycle Parking
Cycle Parking
Cycle Rickshaw Parking
Cycle Rickshaw Parking
Cycle Rickshaw Stand
Cycle Rickshaw Stand
Eating Place
Eating Place
Emergency Exit
Emergency Exit